Breastfeeding after pregnancy

Did you know that birth is not a before and after, but a continuation of that dependency but outside the uterus, known as exterogestation of the baby?
The human being is the mammal that is born more immature, which is why the nine months after pregnancy it needs to remain attached to its mother.
At least during the nine months after birth, he needs warmth, food and our protection to know he is out of danger and the comfort he felt inside the womb. Did you know that birth is not a before and after, a separation between mother and baby, but a continuation of that dependence but outside the womb, known as the baby's exterogestation?
The human being is the mammal that is born more immature, which is why the nine months after pregnancy it needs to remain attached to its mother.
At least for the nine months after birth, he needs warmth, nourishment and our protection to know he is out of danger and the comfort he felt inside his mother's belly while adapting to life outside the womb. That's why it's not that babies become clutching or clingy, they need to be attached to mom.
The baby is born with a very underdeveloped brain; it will finish growing and maturing out of it by the age of 4 years.
It is at the age of 9 months when the separation anxiety occurs and it is because at this moment they realize that they are already independent from their mother (some of them are already crawling and can move on their own).
So pamper them a lot, not just because they crave it but because they really need it!
mom (all this is achieved through breastfeeding!) while adapting to life outside the womb. That's why it's not that children become clutching or clingy, they need to be attached to mom.
The baby is born with a very underdeveloped brain; it will finish growing and maturing out of it by the age of 4 years.
It is at the age of 9 months when the separation anxiety occurs and it is because at this moment they realize that they are already independent from their mother (some of them are already crawling and can move on their own).
So pamper them a lot, not just because they crave it but because they really need it!
What is exterogestation?
Exterogestation refers to the period that the mother spends with the baby after delivery. That is, apart from the 9 months of gestation, it is necessary for the mother to spend another similar period of time to accompany the baby in its first stage of life.. If you are about to become a mother, it will be ideal for you to know about this period so that you know how to enjoy it.
Extra-pregnancy: the stage after pregnancy
Birth is not only the beginning of a person's life, but also the end of gestation. The 9 months after birth are a time of physical, mental and emotional growth and development. emotional essential for the baby. During this period, the little one will require the most time with his mother and all her love..
As evidenced by this article published in the magazine DilemmaIn the case of the mother, exterogestation is a continuation of gestation due to the fact that the human being is born prematurely (so to speak), since they need the mother in order to survive. Thus, it is through breastfeeding that exterogestation takes place primarily.
Why is exterogestation 9 months longer?
Everything happens in its own time. At 9 months, babies already want to walk and talk, i.e., the little ones begin to gain autonomy. Before that, they need a lot of company and care from their mother. With these, newborns are protected, protected and receive the help they need to start growing..
There are cases in which babies learn certain qualities before they are 9 months old. And this happens, in large part, thanks to the permanent company of their beloved mother. The human development that a baby requires takes place together with its mother..
Ideas for a successful pregnancy termination
1. At bedtime
Many parents prefer the option of having the newborn in a crib, as the best plan is to sleep with them in the room. Externogestation involves, among other things, the baby sharing a bed with its parents.. In this way, he will maintain greater physical contact with his mother.
In addition, according to this study published in the journal Pediatrics Primary Carethe practice of co-sleeping favors breast-feeding and does not increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)..
Thus, will feel confident that they are protected and accompanied by the people they love.. However, it is good to assess in the first few days whether you and your partner will be comfortable sleeping with the baby.
Some little ones rest best in their own bed, unaccompanied. But if you manage some safety patterns, you're sure to have a good night's sleep with your baby.
2. When it comes to work
If you work, you don't have to stop living this beautiful stage of motherhood. Today, holders, carriers or scarves are available for your little one. that allow you to be by their side while you go about your business at work. In addition, although at the moment more research is needed In this regard, many people emphasize the benefits they provide to both mother and baby.
If your boss has not lived through this stage, he or she will probably not allow you to be with your child at work. In these cases, we suggest the following:
- Negotiate being with your baby while you work.
- Establish a schedule to take care of both duties.
- Bring some infant toys that can keep your baby calm.
To negotiate with your boss the presence of your little one at work, explain to him the importance of exterogestation. In this way, she may understand your position and help you deal with your work and mothering responsibilities.
3. At bath time
It is refreshing to cool off with a rich, refreshing bathroom. And even more if you share it with your cute baby. If you are up for it, here are some of them tips to enjoy this moment of connection with your child:
- Have a shower or bathtub with room for both of you.
- Make sure your baby's bathing space is safe and appropriate for his or her small size.
- Buy toys that can be used in water.
Maintain good security measures about your baby so that both of you can enjoy this special moment in the best way.
4. At lunchtime
You can also have your breakfast, lunch or dinner with your little one. Approximately half an hour before, prepare your food and yours for you to eat together in the dining room or wherever you both feel most comfortable.
There are different spaces to live this moment, but look for one in which your food will not spill. If the place has tables, chairs and a suitable temperature, you will be able to enjoy this moment with the great love of your life: your child.
In short, the importance of being with your baby and giving him the proper care and attention is essential. The healthier emotional development of your baby will depend on it.