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Feeding during lactation

  • 5 min read

Feeding during breastfeeding What is the correct feeding during breastfeeding? One of the most common questions I am asked is what you can and cannot eat during breastfeeding. And the truth is that you can and it is recommended to eat EVERYTHING because the milk usually changes its taste and this will make the baby accept a lot when he starts feeding.... 

Breastfeeding after pregnancy

  • 7 min read

Did you know that birth is not a before and after, but a continuation of that dependence but outside the uterus, known as exterogestation of the baby? The human being is the mammal born more immature, that is why the nine months after pregnancy needs to remain attached to mom. At least during the nine months after pregnancy, the... 

Benefits Breastfeeding

  • 8 min read

benefits of breastfeeding Breastfeeding has many benefits for young children and their families. It is especially important for newborns and infants during the first year of life, as it provides essential nutrients, immunity and contributes to mother-baby bonding. This practice often confers significant benefits for mothers and babies with little effort. This essay explores some of the benefits of... 

Breastfeeding and contraception

  • 2 min read

Breastfeeding and contraception Another of the great benefits of breastfeeding is that it delays the return of the menstrual period, this helps reduce the possibility of another immediate pregnancy, however it is not 100% safe. Therefore, if you do not want to get pregnant immediately it is best to take some form of contraception, and here are the ones that are safe during breastfeeding... 

Breastfeeding and tetanalgesia pain removal

  • 2 min read

Breastfeeding and tetanalgesia remove pain It is called so to the effect of relief and comfort that causes in the newborn and young infant to eat from the breast when they feel pain.this helps us because breastfeeding is not only food remember that gives a sense of tranquility, security and protection by adding a sweet food -> reduces the sensation of pain in infants and young children.... 

COVID 19 and lactation

  • 2 min read

Both WHO and CDC recommend continued breastfeeding in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. 🤱🏻 Even if the mother has been exposed or is a suspected case, breastfeeding is still the best option (breast milk gives protection to the baby) and it is very easy to reduce the risk of infection, it is only necessary: - USE OF MOUTH COVER. -... 

Hair loss and lactation

  • 1 Comment
  • 6 min read

Hair loss and breastfeeding Breastfeeding is not responsible for hair loss, but a period that all women go through after pregnancy.Here we point out the real culprit and give you the tricks to deal with it. Women can experience hair loss during breastfeeding. But the cause is not specifically breastfeeding, but a process that coincides with giving birth.... 

Breastfeeding ?

  • 2 min read

secrets for a successful breastfeeding Before the learning or culture of breastfeeding was passed from generation to generation but with the release of infant formulas; this was lost. The idea of this page is to take back little by little that knowledge and make it become something natural as it used to be! Here are the "secrets": 1. Trust in you... 
