secrets for successful breastfeeding

In the past, the learning or culture of breastfeeding was passed down from generation to generation, but with the release of infant formulas, this has been lost.
The idea of this page is to take back little by little this knowledge and that it becomes something natural as it used to be! I leave you the "secrets".
1. Self-confidence, being informed and accompanied.
2. Immediate attachment: breastfeeding in the first hour of life.
3. Proper grip, posture and position.
4. Free demand, without schedules or times.
5. Do not introduce pacifiers or bottles before 6 weeks of age.
6. Use the bottle VERY rarely.
7. Do not give supplements or formula. Trust that you produce what your baby needs!!!!
Discuss the importance and ways to breastfeed with other pregnant women and family members.
Facilitate immediate skin-to-skin contact and help mothers initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery.
To help mothers initiate breastfeeding and solve the most common problems.
Do not give newborns any type of food or liquid other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.
Allow mothers and babies to be together and live together 24 hours a day.
Helping mothers recognize and respond to their babies' cues to feed.
Advise mothers on the use and risks of feeding infants with bottles, nipples and pacifiers.
Coordinate discharge so that parents and their infants have timely access to ongoing care and support.
Remember, the higher the suction, the higher the production.
The breast pump NEVER measures milk production.